Sherre' DeMao

You are on this list because you wanted to shift from daydreaming to dream doing & to realize your ultimate life! You are a part of a group of people determined to be all that you can be without allowing perceived limitations or unexpected challenges to deter you. You deserve to have an amazing life and were put on this planet to realize it in every way!

Nov 20 - Could a distraction help you?

Published: Wed, 11/20/19

Could a distraction help you? Nov 20 – Could a distraction help you? Are you so focused on what needs to be done that you feel like you haven’t come…

Nov 13 - Is it too much or too real?

Published: Wed, 11/13/19

Is it too much or too real? Nov 13 – Is it too much or too real? Do you feel overwhelmed by all that you have set out to do, even though it e cites…

Nov 6 - Are you in your own head?

Published: Wed, 11/06/19

Are you in your own head? Nov 6 – Are you in your own head? Are your thoughts serving you or severing your ability to accomplish all that you desire…

Oct 30 - Are you focused or frantic?

Published: Wed, 10/30/19

Are you focused or frantic? Oct 30 – Are you focused or frantic? Are you going, going, going at a breakneck speed to get all that you are trying to…

Oct 23 - Do your actions nurture momentum?

Published: Wed, 10/23/19

Do your actions nurture momentum? Oct 23 – Do your actions nurture momentum? Are you taking steps that are building momentum? Are you making moves…

Oct 16 - Are you overwhelmed with options?

Published: Wed, 10/16/19

Are you overwhelmed with options? Oct 16 – Are you overwhelmed with options? Are you caught up in a plethora of directions you could go or choices you…

Oct 9 - Are you losing your nerve?

Published: Wed, 10/09/19

Are you losing your nerve? Oct 9 – Are you losing your nerve? Have you been working hard towards a goal and a lot of little things have occurred that…

Oct 2 - Think you're losing your edge?

Published: Wed, 10/02/19

Think you're losing your edge? Oct 2 – Think you're losing your edge? Are you fearing that you are losing your edge … as a professional … in your…

Sept 25 - Are you questioning for answers?

Published: Wed, 09/25/19

Are you questioning for answers? Sept 25 – Are you questioning for answers? Are the questions inside your head serving you or limiting you? Are you…

Sept 18 - Are you stepping it up?

Published: Wed, 09/18/19

Are you stepping it up? Sept 18 – Are you stepping it up? Is it time to step it up to take yourself to your ne t level of possibilities? Could you be…

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