Sherre' DeMao

You are on this list because you wanted to shift from daydreaming to dream doing & to realize your ultimate life! You are a part of a group of people determined to be all that you can be without allowing perceived limitations or unexpected challenges to deter you. You deserve to have an amazing life and were put on this planet to realize it in every way!

May 4 – Are you stuck in neutral?

Published: Wed, 05/04/22

Are you stuck in neutral? May 4 – Are you stuck in neutral? Is all the swirl of activity literally have your head spinning on what to focus on ne t?…

April 27 - Are you acting as if?

Published: Wed, 04/27/22

Are you acting as if? April 27 – Are you acting as if? How much do you believe in yourself, really? Do you allow doubt to minimize your confidence in…

Apr 13 - Are you missing the mark?

Published: Wed, 04/13/22

Are you missing the mark? Apr 13 - Are you missing the mark? Are you feeling as though no matter what you do, it is not getting you where you want to…

Mar 23 - Are you feeling limited?

Published: Wed, 03/23/22

Are you feeling limited? Mar 23 – Are you feeling limited? Is there something that you feel limits you in some way? Is it time? Is it money? Is it…

Mar 9 - Are you accepting mediocracy?

Published: Wed, 03/09/22

Are you accepting mediocracy? Mar 9 – Are you accepting mediocracy? Do you feel as though everyone around you is merely working or completing things…

Mar 2 - Are you all over the place?

Published: Wed, 03/02/22

Are you all over the place? Mar 2 – Are you all over the place? Do you have a multitude of opportunities, and all seem important and worth pursuing?…

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