Are you hindering your intuition's power?
Jan 16, 2019 - Are you hindering your intuition's power? How many times have you caught yourself saying, "I should have trusted my gut." or "I should have listened to my intuition."? There is plenty of science to back up the power of our ability to sense something before we fully understand why. If you are feeling something is not
quite right, chances are it isn't and you need to get more clarifying information. If you sense an urgency to take action or that you should pursue something without knowing why the feeling is so strong, you should heed the invitation.
Take an MM&I Moment to awaken in how you may be limiting your intuition. First, think about a recent circumstance where you made a decision about a situation or someone based on past experiences. Perhaps you decided not to proceed or continue to get to know the person. Could you have confused past stories playing in your head for intuition? Now consider a situation where you had a gut feeling or spark of inspiration, and you
dismissed it due to all that still needed to be done on your to-do list. Could your focus on things needing done in your immediate future have overpowered your intuition? While the past provides insight and the future can be beckoning your attention, your intuition is always focused on the exact moment it presents itself. Those who embrace their intuition take a few seconds to ask themselves what they should do or what could they do, and then act accordingly. It's called being in the
moment, and intuition rewards this mentality in the most glorious ways.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
"The point of power is always in the present moment." – Louise L. Hay
INTRODUCING WIDE AWAKE WEDNESDAYS! It's time we stop viewing Wednesdays as "hump" days and start feeling invigorated and empowered midweek to continue on our journeys of true enlightenment and accomplishment at our deepest and highest levels. That's why I shifted to Wednesdays for my weekly inspirational message, so you can shift from daydreaming to dream doing! And stay tuned, because this is only the
beginning of dreaming wide awake! The Me, Myself and Inc. in you will be taken to a whole new level of exciting revelations and I cannot wait to help you know how powerful you truly are in realizing your ultimate dreams in this year and lifetime ahead!
DREAM WIDE AWAKE BLOG: You can always catch the main message from my weekly Wide Awake Wednesday inspirations on my Dream Wide Awake blog which is posted each Wednesday morning, in case you miss the email.
FEATURED ON THRIVE GLOBAL/AUTHORITY MAGAZINE: I was recently honored to be interviewed by Yitzi Weiner, editor of Authority Magazine and Thrive Global columnist for Huffington Post. To read the interview, CLICK HERE.
EARN YOUR CPE CREDITS: I am thrilled to be an expert providing courses through Executive Education, Inc. and CPA Crossings for continuing education credits to CPAs and CFOs across the country. You can take the webinar, "4 Critical Factors to Create Sustainable Growth," at various dates and times through April 2019. CLICK HERE to learn more. The webinar, "3 Market Analysis Priorities to Drive Profitability," is also available various dates and times through April 2019. CLICK HERE to learn more. These offerings are available through April 2020. "Dream Wide Awake: Overcoming What Limits You" - CLICK HERE to learn more. "Confessions of a Mompreneur: Leadership Lessons Learned" - CLICK HERE to learn more.
NCACPA CPE CREDITS: Are you earning your CPEs in North Carolina through the NCACPA? Here are links to some of my courses available. "Effective Networking: Energize Your Career" offered 3/15/2019. CLICK HERE to register. "Three Market Analysis Priorities to Drive
Profitability" offered 2/8/2019. CLICK HERE to register."Four Critical Success Factor to Acheive Sustainable Growth" offered 2/13/2019. CLICK HERE to register.
THE PROFITABILITY QUOTIENT AT EMPLOYERS ASSOCIATION MARCH 26: I will be the featured speaker for my program, "The Profitability Quotient: Better Decisions, Better Results, Better Bottom Line" on March 26th at The Employer's Association. The program will be from 8:30 a.m. - Noon, and will be accredited for
Continuing Education credits for those needing them for your HR, Finance or other designations. To learn more and register, CLICK HERE.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS - STRATEGY MATTERS AT TECH WORKS: Another series of strategy-focused programs will be presented at the new Tech Works facility in Belmont. The program will include a keynote from me, followed by my moderating a panel of CEOs sharing best practices, lessons learned and tips for growing your business. More details to come on panelists and sponsors. SAVE THESE DATES for 8 a.m. - noon. The topics will be as follows:
- Wednesday, April 10: Small Tweaks for BIG Results
- Thursday, May 9: Innovation, Discovery & Ingenuity: Gaining a Proprietary Advantage
- Tuesday, June 11: Money Myths & Magic: Managing and Funding Growth
FEATURED BREAKOUT SPEAKER AT INDIANA CPA SOCIETY ON MARCH 21: I will be among the Executive Education's featured faculty for the Controller's Conference hosted by the Indiana CPA Society in Indianapolis on March 21st. My topics will be "4 Critical Factors to Achieve Sustainable Growth" and "Dream Wide Awake: Overcoming What Limits You."
THE PROFITABILITY QUOTIENT FOR VISTAGE IN NEW ORLEANS: I will be facilitating my program, "The Profitability Quotient: Better Decisions, Better Results, Better Bottom Line" to a CEO Vistage group in New Orleans on May 14th.
FEATURED PRESENTER AT AVIDXCHANGE'S REVx2019 USER'S CONFERENCE: I will be presenting the topic, "Income Based Time Management: Do You Really Know What Time is Costing You?" The conference is being held at the Waterfront Beach Resort in Huntington Beach, CA, May 15-16, 2019. My presentation will be the afternoon of the 16th. To learn more and register, CLICK HERE.
ARE YOU HARNESSING ANTICIPATION'S POWER?: Inspired by my love of the mountains, my latest article entitled,"5 Ways to Harness Anticipation's Power," has gone viral on Mike Dooley's Thoughts Become Things blog. To read the article, CLICK HERE.
"5 EXPENSES YOU SHOULDN'T CUT" HAS EXCEEDED 10,000 DOWNLOADS: The excerpt of Secret #9 from my book, 50 Marketing Secrets, focused on the five areas growth companies know are investments, not expenses. It was originally featured on, and has now exceeded 10,000 downloads since being published. To understand why it is such a hot download, read the excerpt HERE!
"DESTINY VERSUS FATE" ON TUT BLOG: I am proud to be a contributor to Mike Dooley's TUT blog (, which has over 700,000 followers and millions of hits. To read "Five Reasons a Destiny Mindset Empowers Your Greatness," CLICK HERE.
WE ARE BIZGROWTH INC.: For 34 years, I have been dedicated to helping entrepreneurial enterprises grow and business owners prosper. SLD Unlimited is a beautiful part of our history, and BizGrowth Inc is now the "next level, next idea" go-to company for entrepreneurs nationwide. To learn more about all we do to help entrepreneurial companies build preference, value and worth, go to
DID YOU ENJOY AND FIND VALUE IN TODAY'S INSPIRATION? Feel free to forward this week's Dream Wide Awake message to others and encourage them to sign up by going to
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,
Sherre '
© 2019 Sherre' DeMao / Me, Myself & Inc. All rights reserved. You are welcome to forward or share Wide Awake Wednesday with others as long as you keep this copyright statement and the message in its entirety intact.
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