To focused on what's wrong?
Feb 10 - Too focused on what's wrong? Are a lot of little things happening now that were not as you expected, planned or hoped? Are unexpected things occurring that are causing you distraction and dissatisfaction? Are you finding
yourself more focused on what is going wrong than what is going right? It is very easy to allow life's disruptions to get the best of us personally and professionally, which inadvertently steers our thinking to focus entirely on them to be fixed, addressed or resolved. The key is to know what really needs your attention and what just needs to be left alone to work out in its own time. Time and space can be your allies in allowing you to put your energy towards what is going
Take an MM&I Moment to reawaken yourself to what is going right versus what is all wrong. Get a sheet of paper and create two columns. On the left: 1) List the things that you view as having gone wrong or have been working against what you have been trying to accomplish. 2) List what
has been distracting you lately or consuming your time and leading to your own frustration instead of fulfillment. Which of these annoyances are you allowing yourself to be consumed by and, therefore, are affecting you because you have made them a bigger deal in your mind than they actually are in real life? Which of these things need some time in order to see what is actually going to happen versus what you are imagining might happen? Which of these things have truly thrown a wrench into your
plans, and if so, what are your options to shift versus trying to fix? Use the column to the right to list positive options and things you have within your control to do. Also note if that particular issue simply needs to be allowed to be put on the back burner or you can allow some time to pass to focus on other things. Instead of being consumed by what is wrong, be empowered by the reality that part of living your life is through embracing the unexpected with vigor and an unwavering focus on
your purpose and what you can do versus what you can’t.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
"To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect." - Oscar Wilde
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,
P.S. One of the best ways to take action is to expand your knowledge. Whether it is gaining CPE credits, gaining some insights, or brushing up on some skills, consider some of the courses offered by scrolling down
Would you like a one-on-one Dream Wide Awake Retreat with Sherre' at a fraction of the cost? Sherre' has been in the recording studio these past several months creating a unique Audible experience that will feel as though you are in a one-on-one retreat with her as you listen to her insights, bonus content and stories to guide your through her Dream Wide Awake Empowerment
Guide. She has always said Dream Wide Awake isn't something to read ... it is something to DO .... FOR YOU!
Do you know your WHY? Do you know the difference YOU were meant to make in this world? Dream Wide Awake will expertly guide you from can't imagine to CAN DO with many aha's along the way! Sherre's Self-Empowerment Guide to Dream Doing is
available NOW in hard copy (released worldwide February 14, 2020) You can get an autographed copy from Sherre's special supply through the publisher: CLICK HERE TO ORDER!
AVAILABLE ON AMAZON, B&N and other retailers, too.
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SELECTED AS BUSINESS BUILDING EXPERT FOR INTUITIVE LEADERSHIP UNIVERSITY: Sherre' has been selected as the Business Building Expert for the Intuitive Leadership University. In addition to providing live and on-demand training, I will be featured as an expert for mastermind insights on a monthly basis. We are debuting at the
Shiftology Retreat January 29-31, 2021. To learn more and meet some of the other experts, CLICK HERE.
SMALL BUSINESS CENTER PROGRAMS FOR BUSINESS SUCCESS: Sherre' will be the guest instructor for three upcoming Small Business Center workshops hosted by Rowan Cabarrus Community College Small Business Center. All workshops will be held
9-11 a.m. virtually. Click on the links for more information and to register.
WELCOME NEW CLIENTS: We are excited to welcome the following new clients to help them ignite their prosperity with next-level, next-idea strategic guidance:
- Fowler Housing Management Advisors, LLC
- Vaudra International
BIZGROWTH INC. SELECTED FOR EUROVIA USA EMERGING LEADER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: BizGrowth Inc. was selected to develop and deliver Eurovia USA's Emerging Leader Professional Development Program for 2020/2021. Recent programs delivered included "Managing Your Time: Do You Really Know What Time is Costing You?" featuring our proprietary Income-Based Time Management
Process, "The Accountability Advantage: Empowering Productivity, Performance and Reputation" featuring our proprietary Calculated Risk Model and "Discovery. Ingenuity. Creativity: Embracing Problem Solving as an Advantage." Eurovia USA is a global leader in heavy construction. Many of the highways you have traveled are likely a product of their exceptional work.
CPE PROFITABILITY, LEADERSHIP AND GROWTH TRAINING EXPANDED INTO CANADA: Sherre's CPE webinar trainings have been picked up for inclusion to Canadian CPA Societies. From the Three Market Analysis Priorities to Drive Profits to Dreaming Wide Awake and Leadership Lessons, Sherre's trainings bring
real-world insight from the entrepreneurial community to Controllers, CPAs and CFOs.
DREAM WIDE AWAKE BLOG: You can always catch the main message from Sherre's weekly Wide Awake Wednesday inspirations on her Dream Wide Awake blog which is posted each Wednesday morning, in case you miss the email.
EARN YOUR CPE CREDITS: Sherre' is an expert providing courses through Executive Education, Inc. and CPA Crossings for continuing education credits to CPAs and CFOs across the country. You can take the webinar, "4 Critical Factors to Create Sustainable Growth," at various dates and times through April 2021. CLICK HERE to learn
more. The webinar, "3 Market Analysis Priorities to Drive Profitability," is also available various dates and times through April 2021. CLICK HERE to learn more. These offerings are available through April 2021. "Dream Wide Awake: Overcoming What Limits You" - CLICK HERE to learn more. "Confessions of a Mompreneur: Leadership Lessons Learned" - CLICK HERE to learn more.
NCACPA CPE CREDITS: Are you earning your CPEs in North Carolina through the NCACPA? Here are links to some of Sherre's courses available. "Four Critical Success Factors to Achieve Sustainable Growth" offered 3/18/2021. CLICK HERE to register.
"Three Market Analysis Priorities to Drive Profitability." offered on 2/23/2021. CLICK HERE to register. "Dream Wide Awake: Overcoming What Limits You in Life" offered 4/16/2020, CLICK HERE to register. "Confessions of a Mompreneur: Leadership
Lessons Learned" offered 2/11/2021, CLICK HERE to register.
FEATURED CO-HOST OF LOCAL BIZ NOW IN APRIL: Sherre' will be the featured co-host with Joe Vagnone the entire month of April for his Local Biz Now radio broadcast. A frequent co-host and guest, Sherre' will bring small business topics of interest for bantering and discussion along with special
guests, small business owners from the area. To learn more about Local Biz Now, CLICK HERE.
THOUGHT-LEADER IN THE EVOLUTIONARY BUSINESS COUNCIL: Sherre' was honored to have been accepted into the Evolutionary Business Council (EBC) as one of its thought leaders. An invitation-only council, it's purpose is to bring thought leaders of vision together to
expand global consciousness and change. Its vision is to connect and assist like-minded thought-leaders whose collective mission is to make the world a better place. To learn more, CLICK HERE.
BUILDING VALUE THROUGH PROTECTING UNIQUENESS: Did you know that BizGrowth Inc. has an intellectual property development and management division, GreenCastleIP? Part of building value in your business is protecting its uniqueness. This is so much more than branding. This is a strategy-driven initiative that can pay dividends in the end. To learn more about all we can do to help elevate your
differentiation to a whole next level, CLICK HERE. Proud to announce the successful protection of Greencrest Marketing's "Ignite Your Business" podcast, and Belinda Haverdill's "Aphrodite's Mirror Wisdom Circle."
BLOG POSTS WE LOVE RECOGNITION - 3 WAYS PLEASING OTHERS HOLDS YOU BACK: My latest guest blog post on Mike Dooley's TUT blog was named a Blog Post We LOVE in his monthly newsletter that goes out to 800,000+ subscribers. When it comes to achieving all you would truly like to achieve, you first need to recognize how the choices you are making are limiting you. CLICK HERE to read and learn what may be holding you back.
9 POSITIVE ACTIONS TO EMPOWER YOU DAILY: Sherre's "9 Positive Actions" article got picked up by Mike Dooley's TUT Blog, and was recognized as a "Blog Post We LOVE" in his March newsletter. To read, CLICK HERE. To read other articles she has written as a regular
contributor to the TUT blog, including ""5 Ways to be More Fiscally Grateful" and "4 Ways You May Be Letting FEAR Stop You," CLICK HERE.
FEATURED ON THRIVE GLOBAL/AUTHORITY MAGAZINE: Sherre' was honored to be interviewed by Yitzi Weiner, editor of Authority Magazine and Thrive Global columnist for Huffington Post. To read the interview, CLICK HERE
"5 EXPENSES YOU SHOULDN'T CUT" HAS EXCEEDED 10,000 DOWNLOADS: The excerpt of Secret #9 from Sherre's book, 50 Marketing Secrets, focused on the five areas growth companies know are investments, not expenses. It was originally featured on, and has now exceeded 10,000 downloads since being published. To understand why it is such a hot download, read
the excerpt HERE!
WE ARE BIZGROWTH INC.: For over 35 years, I have been dedicated to helping entrepreneurial enterprises grow and business owners prosper. SLD Unlimited is a beautiful part of our history, and BizGrowth Inc is now the "next level, next idea" go-to company for entrepreneurs nationwide. To learn more about all we do to help entrepreneurial companies build preference, value and worth, go to
DID YOU ENJOY AND FIND VALUE IN TODAY'S INSPIRATION? Feel free to forward this week's Dream Wide Awake message to others and encourage them to sign up by going to or
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© 2019-2021 Sherre' DeMao / Me, Myself & Inc. All rights reserved. You are welcome to forward or share Wide Awake Wednesday with others as long as you keep this copyright statement and the message in its entirety intact.
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