Dream Wide Awake Blog:
Empowering Your Shift from Daydreaming to Dream Doing
December 20 - Is what can be, to be?
Dec 20 - Is what can be, to be? Is all that you are working on right now leading you to where you want to be heading? Is how you are prioritizing evidence of what you know can be? Or are you beginning to doubt that what you are trying to achieve can
be done because you seem to always be distracted by a myriad of other things? Are you beginning to lose hope as life and demands seem to always get in your way? With a new year just around the corner, now is the time to fully commit to what you ultimately desire. Our ability to manifest what we want to happen in our lives is stronger than we think. It just takes focus and an unwavering determination to get there
because we believe in our heart we were meant to accomplish and reap the rewards of what we ultimately accomplish. It just takes having an unwavering can-do attitude. CAN DO stands for Conscientious Action Nurtures Desired Outcome. When you fully embrace a can-do spirit, you truly can be unstoppable. Take an MM&I Moment to READ MORE including: - Questions and insights to help you embrace your can-do spirit!
- A Wide Awake Quote of the week by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,
ON-DEMAND CPE: Leadership & Profitability
Are you in a year-end crunch to get the necessary continuing education credits to maintain your credentials? Two of Sherre’s CPE offerings are available On Demand for any end-of-year credits you may need. The two courses available are: “Are You the Leader You Think You Are?” and “Profitability Quotient: Better Decisions, Better Bottom Line, Better Results.” Click the hyperlinks to learn more and start your self-study. If you are one of these designations, take advantage of the above On Demand offerings! ACCA I AFSP I CFA I CFE I CFP® I CGAP I CGFM I CGMA I ChFC I CIA
CSA I CVA I EA I HRCI I ORTP I PMP I SHRM CLICK HERE to see course offerings led by Sherre’ in January.
FEATURED WEBINAR: Burnout to Bliss
Client, Elizabeth Colen, of Ms. FitOne Lifestyles is offering a webinar as a follow up to her live event, Burnout to Bliss. The webinar is to be held tomorrow at 1 p.m. EST. This webinar provides great insights for shifting from burnout to a more blissful daily living, and also introduces her 6-week program that begins January 4th for a truly exceptional
launch to your 2024. REGISTER today! Sherre' is also a client and can vouch for Elizabeth's brilliance in living a life of health and vitality, meaning, and abundance.
BizGrowth is a proud strategic advisor and in-kind donor to The Victory Advantage, a
501(c)3 founded by Ray and Renee Breazaele. The organization's vision is to be a catalyst for individuals with disabilities or limitations to live with dignity, independence, and confidence as contributors to society and a part of our community. To learn more about their story, CLICK HERE. To learn more about donating, CLICK HERE. To learn more about other ways you can help, CLICK
FORBES THOUGHT LEADER ARTICLES: In addition to being a resource as an expert for Forbes Council articles, Sherre’ is also a Forbes Thought Leader bringing new thinking to the world of business and how it can operate at higher levels of performance, engagement and sustainability. Read her latest articles and apply to your
business. To read all Forbes tips and articles by Sherre', CLICK HERE.
ANYTHING BUT TYPICAL PODCAST: Sherre' was the Anything But Typical guest on this podcast focused on entrepreneurial ingenuity, inspiration, and success. Listen to her interview by CLICKING HERE.
5 NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF A CODEPENDENT BUSINESS: Our BizGrowth 5.0 blog shares five ways codependency stifles a business' growth, opportunities, ability to expand, or ability to replicate success. Read the blog, and consider how you may have fallen into one or more of these traps. Our next blog will be coming out soon entitled The Negative Impacts of Being a Codependent Leader.
BRANDING: PREFERRED, NOT JUST DIFFERENT: Our BizGrowth 5.0 blog, Branding: Preferred, Not Just Different will get you re-evaluating your branding! In a world where every type of business can be commoditized, making branding a strategic operational initiative adds distinction and value in many facets when embraced
WE ARE BIZGROWTH INC.: For over 38 years, we have been dedicated to helping entrepreneurial enterprises grow and business owners prosper. To learn more about all we do to help entrepreneurial companies build preference, value and worth, go to
DREAM WIDE AWAKE BLOG: You can always catch the main message from Sherre's weekly Wide Awake Wednesday inspirations on her Dream Wide Awake blog which is posted each Wednesday morning, in case you miss the email. Check out Sherre's blog page by CLICKING HERE!
DID YOU ENJOY AND FIND VALUE IN TODAY'S INSPIRATION? Feel free to forward this week's Dream Wide Awake message to others and encourage them to sign up by going to www.memyselfandinc.com or www.sherredemao.com. Learn more about Sherre', Author, BizGrowth Maestro & Founder of BizGrowth Inc. |