Dream Wide Awake Blog:
Empowering Your Shift from Daydreaming to Dream Doing
March 29 - Are you inspiring new problems?
Mar 29 – Are you inspiring new problems? Are you hesitant to take something you are doing to the next level because you don’t know what challenges you may face? Do you have an idea that excites you, yet you anticipate it will open up opposition, resistance or unknown obstacles? Are you comfortable with the way things are going right now, and don’t really want to rock the boat with a new challenge? One of the greatest side effects of trying something new or different than what has been done before are the problems that arise to challenge your perseverance, tenacity and ability to think beyond where you had been thinking before. Never let fear keep you stagnant. Allow curiosity
to prevail with each problem that arises.
Take an MM&I Moment to ... READ MORE including: - Insights to help you push your comfort zone into curiosity zone.
- A Wide Awake Quote of the Week by Robert H. Schuller.
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,
Client QTS, an environmental, health and safety firm, just released its blog on the EPA’s latest proposed changes to Ambient Air Quality particulate standards. Their blog, QTS Way, brings insights, developments, perspective, ideas, latest innovations and
best practices to help companies protect what matters most in reputation, people, assets, the environment, and their bottom lines. CLICK HERE to
ANYTHING BUT TYPICAL PODCAST: Sherre' was the Anything But Typical guest on this podcast focused on entrepreneurial ingenuity, inspiration, and success. Listen to her interview by CLICKING HERE.
5 NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF A CODEPENDENT BUSINESS: Our most recent BizGrowth 5.0 blog shares five ways codependency stifles a business' growth, opportunities, ability to expand, or
ability to replicate success. Read the blog, and consider how you may have fallen into one or more of these traps. Our next blog will be coming out soon
entitled The Negative Impacts of Being a Codependent Leader.
BRANDING: PREFERRED, NOT JUST DIFFERENT: Our BizGrowth 5.0 blog, Branding: Preferred, Not Just Different will get you re-evaluating your branding! In a world where every type of business can be commoditized, making branding a strategic operational initiative adds distinction and value in many facets when embraced
EARN YOUR CPE CREDITS WITH CPA CROSSINGS: Sherre' is an expert providing courses through Executive Education, Inc. and CPA Crossings for continuing education credits to CPAs and CFOs across the country. "Confessions of a Mompreneur:
Leadership Lessons Learned", Offered 04/10, CLICK HERE to learn more. You can take the webinar, "Accountability
Advantage: Empowering Performance", Offered 04/07, CLICK HERE to learn more. "Are You the Leader You Think You
Are?", Offered 04/06, CLICK HERE to learn more. "Networking that Works for Long-term Success", Offered
04/13, CLICK HERE to learn more. "Do You Know What Time is Costing You?", Offered 04/18, CLICK HERE to learn more. "Dream Wide Awake: Overcoming What Limits You", Offered 04/19, CLICK HERE to learn more.
WE ARE BIZGROWTH INC.: For over 38 years, we have been dedicated to helping entrepreneurial enterprises grow and business owners prosper. To learn more about all we do to help
entrepreneurial companies build preference, value and worth, go to www.bizgrowthinc.com.
DREAM WIDE AWAKE BLOG: You can always catch the main message from Sherre's weekly Wide Awake Wednesday inspirations on her Dream Wide Awake blog which is posted each Wednesday morning, in case you miss the email. Check out Sherre's blog page by CLICKING HERE!
DID YOU ENJOY AND FIND VALUE IN TODAY'S INSPIRATION? Feel free to forward this week's Dream Wide Awake message to others and encourage them to sign up by going to www.memyselfandinc.com or www.sherredemao.com. Learn more about Sherre', Author, BizGrowth Maestro & Founder of BizGrowth Inc. |