Oct 27 – Need a boost of courage? When is the last time you took a risk? Was it yesterday, last week, a year ago, or you cannot remember? If you were once a risk taker, and now find yourself hesitant to take risks, ask yourself why? Are you afraid you will lose what you have worked hard to achieve? Are you concerned you simply do not have the energy? As a high achiever, risks are a natural means to getting where you
ultimately strive to be.
From the time you were born, you have taken risks to walk, talk, and ultimately go out on your own. With anything you have never done before, there is risk involved. Courage is not about taking the risk. It is about seeing beyond the
Take an MM&I Moment to reawaken your courage to take risks. What is causing you to be more cautious? How are you measuring and weighing your options to confirm it is a more
calculated risk? What was most gratifying in risks you have taken previously when you succeeded? Use these questions to guide you into risk taking. Chances are, you will wonder why you were being so hesitant in the first place.
Wide Awake Quote of the Week
“The secret to happiness is freedom. And the secret to freedom is courage.” – Thucydides
Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,
P.S. Do you need to make your business more profitable? Then you should take advantage of my upcoming virtual trainings through the Small Business Center at Rowan Cabarrus Community College! These are funded through the
Small Business Network, making it free to small business owners. To get the most out of the trainings, I recommend attending BOTH courses. MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR: November 2, "Profitability Quotient: Better Decisions. Better Results. Better Bottom Line" (CLICK TO REGISTER) and November 11, "3 Market Analysis Priorities to Drive Profitability." (CLICK TO REGISTER) Both courses will be from 6-8 p.m.
Be Like Mel - 22 Secrets Released
REACHED TOP 10 IN BREAST CANCER CATEGORY ON AMAZON ON OCTOBER 8TH: Sherre' was honored to edit this compilation and is forever grateful to have known her and called her friend. Intentionally being released in Breast Cancer Awareness month, this is a beautiful and inspiring book honoring Lisa Anne “Mel” Miller. It is now available via Amazon. Any and all proceeds go directly to her grandson, Brooks Miller,
and Business Sorority, Mel's legacy organization, in care of Alex and Emily Miller. Published by SPARK Publications, you can order a copy by CLICKING HERE!
#belikemel #inspiration
Would you like a one-on-one Dream Wide Awake Retreat with Sherre' at a fraction of the cost? Sherre' has been in the recording studio these past several months creating a unique Audible experience that will feel as though you are in a one-on-one retreat with her as you listen to her insights, bonus content and stories to guide you through
her Dream Wide Awake Empowerment Guide. She has always said Dream Wide Awake isn't something to read ... it is something to DO .... FOR YOU!
Do you know your WHY? Do you know the difference YOU were meant to make in this world? Dream Wide Awake will expertly guide you from can't imagine to CAN DO with many aha's along the way! Sherre's Self-Empowerment Guide to Dream Doing is available
NOW in hard copy (released worldwide February 14, 2020) You can get an autographed copy from Sherre's special supply through the publisher: CLICK HERE TO ORDER!
AVAILABLE ON AMAZON, B&N and other retailers,
SPEAKER AT TRANFORMING ACCOUNTING FIRMS CONFERENCE SERIES: Sherre’ will be a featured speaker for upcoming Transforming Your Accounting Firm: Embracing Disruption virtual conference series. On October 13th, my topic will be “Income-Based Time Management: Do You Know What Time is Really
Costing You?” On November 10th, my topic will be “The Accountability Advantage: Empowering Productivity, Performance and Reputation.” On December 8th, my topic will be “Are You the Leader You Think You Are?” Links to register for these CPE-earning conferences will be available soon.
SPEAKING AT HR CONFERENCE IN NOVEMBER: Sherre’ will be a featured speaker on the topic of “Are You the Leader You Think You Are?” at the Virtual HR Conference: Changing Industry Landscape, Payroll, Employment Law, Benefits on November 30th. More information on this continuing education
conference for human resource professionals will be available soon.
NAMED NAWIC CHAPTER MEMBER OF THE YEAR: Sherre' recently was named Chapter Member of the Year by the National Association of Women in Construction, Charlotte. We at BizGrowth are grateful to the many
clients we have served and continue to serve in the construction industry. And THANK YOU NAWIC Charlotte for this recognition and honor!
MAKING WISHES COME TRUE FOR 9-YEAR OLD BRISTOL AND 7-YEAR OLD HAZEL: Since 2017, Sherre' DeMao, and BizGrowth Inc. has been impassioned to help Wish Kids' wishes be granted. While raising thousands of dollars has made a difference, actually granting wishes is pure magic! Since 2019, BizGrowth Inc. has helped rally volunteers and resources to make a Ninja Warrior
Obstacle Course a reality for 14-year old Patrick, a Unicorn Tree House for 4-year old Macie, and now we are about to make 9-year old Bristol's and 7-year old Hazel's Princess Castle Playhouse Set a reality near Pinehurst and near Asheville. A huge thank you to the following clients, corporate contributors, and affiliations for making this a reality!
- Blythe Construction
- Fowler Housing Management Advisors
- Balfour Beatty/United Forming
- Charlotte Women in Construction (NAWIC)
- Asheville Women in Construction (NAWIC)
- Lobo Construction
- Ivester Jackson Realty
CPE PROFITABILITY, LEADERSHIP AND GROWTH TRAINING EXPANDED INTO CANADA: Sherre's CPE webinar trainings have been picked up for inclusion to Canadian CPA Societies. From the Three Market Analysis Priorities to Drive Profits to Dreaming Wide Awake and Leadership Lessons, Sherre's trainings bring real-world
insight from the entrepreneurial community to Controllers, CPAs and CFOs.
DREAM WIDE AWAKE BLOG: You can always catch the main message from Sherre's weekly Wide Awake Wednesday inspirations on her Dream Wide Awake blog which is posted each Wednesday morning, in case you miss the email.
EARN YOUR CPE CREDITS: Sherre' is an expert providing courses through Executive Education, Inc. and CPA Crossings for continuing education credits to CPAs and CFOs across the country. You can take the webinar, "4 Critical Factors to Create Sustainable Growth," at various dates and times through April 2021, CLICK HERE to learn more. The webinar, "3 Market Analysis Priorities to Drive Profitability," is also available various dates and times through April 2021, CLICK HERE to learn more. These offerings are available through April 2021. "Dream Wide Awake: Overcoming What Limits You", CLICK HERE to learn more. "Are You the Leader You Think You Are?", CLICK HERE
to learn more. "Do You Know What Time is Costing You?", CLICK HERE to learn more. "Accountability Advantage: Empowering Performance", CLICK HERE to learn more. "Networking that Works for Long-term Success", CLICK HERE to register. "Confessions of a Mompreneur: Leadership Lessons Learned", CLICK HERE to learn more.
NCACPA CPE CREDITS: Are you earning your CPEs in North Carolina through the NCACPA? Here are links to some of Sherre's courses available. "Networking that Works for Long-term Success" offered 11/9/21, CLICK HERE to register. "Are You the
Leader You Think You Are?" offered 11/15/2021, CLICK HERE to register. "Leadership Lessons Learned" offered 11/15/2021, CLICK HERE to register. "Accountability Advantage: Empowering Performance, Productivity & Reputation" offered on
11/16/2021, CLICK HERE to register. "Dream Wide Awake: Overcoming What Limits You in Life" offered 11/16/2021, CLICK HERE to register.
FEATURED CO-HOST OF LOCAL BIZ NOW IN APRIL: Sherre' was the featured co-host with Joe Vagnone the entire month of April for his Local Biz Now radio broadcast. A frequent co-host and guest, Sherre' brought small business topics of interest for bantering and discussion along with special guests, small
business owners from the area. To learn more about Local Biz Now, CLICK HERE.
- April 2: Sherre' discussed Jeff Bezo's 11 Tips for Business Success and interviewed client, Palash Desai of The Organic Maids and his focus on purpose-driven capitalism. CLICK HERE to watch full episode in the Facebook Live recording. CLICK HERE to view interview with Palash on YouTube.
- April 9: Sherre' discussed the fact that time actually is money in business and my Income Based Time Management checklist to better understand how everyone in your company is
valuable in how their time is spent, in addition to you, the business owner. Joe and Sherre' had a great interview with client, Jeff Karp of Karp Financial Strategies. To watch the entire segment on Facebook Live, CLICK HERE.
- April 16: Joe and Sherre' interviewed client and CEO of Vaudra International, Tamara Rabenold. She shared insights to her company's growth as a result of an increase in demand for intellectual property investigations of counterfeiting and
acquisitions. CLICK HERE to watch the Facebook Live broadcast.
- April 23: Last week, Joe and Sherre' interviewed client and Health Strategist of MsFitOne Lifestyles, Elizabeth Colen. She shared insights to her Five Pillars of Transformation and how she was her first client to get her body, spirit,
and mind transformed to what it is today.
- April 30: Sherre' interviewed client, Natasha Fowler of Fowler Housing Management Advisors, whose mission is to make affordable housing accessible to all. She reinforced the power of Secret #48 from my book, 50 Secrets of Growth
Companies in Down Economic Times, which is the Start-Up Formula for Success, (R+P)+(I+S) = GO! Check out the FB Live broadcast by CLICKING HERE.
THOUGHT-LEADER IN THE EVOLUTIONARY BUSINESS COUNCIL: Sherre' was honored to have been accepted into the Evolutionary Business Council (EBC) as one of its thought leaders. An invitation-only council, it's purpose is to bring thought leaders of vision together to expand global consciousness and change. Its vision
is to connect and assist like-minded thought-leaders whose collective mission is to make the world a better place. To learn more, CLICK HERE.
BUILDING VALUE THROUGH PROTECTING UNIQUENESS: Did you know that BizGrowth Inc. has an intellectual property development and management division, GreenCastleIP? Part of building value in your business is protecting its uniqueness. This is so much more than branding. This is a strategy-driven initiative that can pay dividends in the end. To learn more about all we can do to
help elevate your differentiation to a whole next level, CLICK HERE. Proud to announce the successful protection of Greencrest Marketing's "Ignite Your Business" podcast, and BeeKonnected.
BLOG POSTS WE LOVE RECOGNITION - 3 WAYS PLEASING OTHERS HOLDS YOU BACK: Sherre's guest blog post on Mike Dooley's TUT blog was named a Blog Post We LOVE in his monthly newsletter that goes out to 800,000+ subscribers. When it comes to achieving all you would truly like to achieve, you first need to recognize how the choices you are making are limiting you. CLICK HERE to read and learn what may be holding you back.
9 POSITIVE ACTIONS TO EMPOWER YOU DAILY: Sherre's "9 Positive Actions" article got picked up by Mike Dooley's TUT Blog, and was recognized as a "Blog Post We LOVE" in his March newsletter. To read, CLICK HERE. To read other articles she has written
as a regular contributor to the TUT blog, including ""5 Ways to be More Fiscally Grateful" and "4 Ways You May Be Letting FEAR Stop You", CLICK HERE.
FEATURED ON THRIVE GLOBAL/AUTHORITY MAGAZINE: Sherre' was honored to be interviewed by Yitzi Weiner, editor of Authority Magazine and Thrive Global columnist for Huffington Post. To read the interview, CLICK HERE
"5 EXPENSES YOU SHOULDN'T CUT" HAS EXCEEDED 10,000 DOWNLOADS: The excerpt of Secret #9 from Sherre's book, 50 Marketing Secrets, focused on the five areas growth companies know are investments, not expenses. It was originally featured on entrepreneur.com, and businessinsider.com has now exceeded 10,000 downloads since being published. To understand why it is such a hot
download, read the excerpt HERE!
WE ARE BIZGROWTH INC.: For over 35 years, I have been dedicated to helping entrepreneurial enterprises grow and business owners prosper. SLD Unlimited is a beautiful part of our history, and BizGrowth Inc is now the "next level, next idea" go-to company for entrepreneurs nationwide. To learn more about all we do to help entrepreneurial companies build preference, value and worth, go to www.bizgrowthinc.com.
DID YOU ENJOY AND FIND VALUE IN TODAY'S INSPIRATION? Feel free to forward this week's Dream Wide Awake message to others and encourage them to sign up by going to www.memyselfandinc.com or www.sherredemao.com.
Learn more about Sherre "
© 2019-2021 Sherre' DeMao / Me, Myself & Inc. All rights reserved. You are welcome to forward or share Wide Awake Wednesday with others as long as you keep this copyright statement and the message in its entirety intact.
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