Dream Wide Awake Blog:
Empowering Your Shift from Daydreaming to Dream Doing
October 5 - Weighed down by obligations?
Oct 5 – Weighed down by obligations? Is your call to purpose
and meaning being diluted or distracted by these obligations or empowered and effective? Are current commitments weighing heavy on you right now? Are you feeling the weight of your many obligations? Are you finding that some of what you are committed to doing no longer excites or inspires you, and yet you don't want to let others down? If certain commitments or obligations feel more like a burden than a blessing, then understanding why they feel this way is the first step before you can decide what
your next steps should be. Then embrace your possibilities through your newly gained clarity. Take an MM&I moment to ... READ MORE including: Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,
Sherre’ has been invited to be an entrepreneurial growth expert on the Forbes Council. She will be sharing tips on Forbes Experts Panel series of special interest articles, and will be a contributing writer to forbes.com in the coming months.
Her passion as a strategist in helping entrepreneurial enterprises thrive is being noticed!
Sherre’ is now a guest expert on corporate culture and engagement with EI+ Magazine. Her first article, Corporate Culture’s Role in High Organizational EQ, just went live! EI+ Magazine’s mission is to be a one-stop resource for those seeking to develop their emotional intelligence in life and business. Sherre' is also a featured
EI+ Specialist.
BIZGROWTH 5.O SEPTEMBER BLOG: Our September BizGrowth 5.0 blog, Branding: Preferred, Not Just Different will get you re-evaluating your branding! In a world where every type of business can be commoditized, making branding a strategic operational initiative adds distinction and value in many facets when embraced
EARN YOUR CPE CREDITS WITH CPA CROSSINGS: Sherre' is an expert providing courses through Executive Education, Inc. and CPA Crossings for continuing education credits to CPAs and CFOs across the country. "Confessions of a Mompreneur: Leadership Lessons Learned", Offered 11/08, CLICK HERE to learn more. You can take the webinar, "Accountability Advantage: Empowering Performance", Offered 10/06, CLICK HERE to learn more. "Are You the Leader You Think You Are?", Offered 11/11, CLICK HERE to learn more.
"Networking that Works for Long-term Success", Offered 10/11, CLICK HERE to learn more. "Do You Know What Time is Costing You?", Offered 10/14, CLICK HERE to learn more. "Dream Wide Awake: Overcoming What Limits You", Offered 10/17, CLICK HERE to learn
WE ARE BIZGROWTH INC.: For over 38 years, we have been dedicated to helping entrepreneurial enterprises grow and business owners prosper. To learn more about all we do to help entrepreneurial companies build preference, value and worth, go to www.bizgrowthinc.com.
DREAM WIDE AWAKE BLOG: You can always catch the main message from Sherre's weekly Wide Awake Wednesday inspirations on her Dream Wide Awake blog which is posted each Wednesday morning, in case you miss the email.
Check out Sherre's blog page by CLICKING HERE!
DID YOU ENJOY AND FIND VALUE IN TODAY'S INSPIRATION? Feel free to forward this week's Dream Wide Awake message to others and encourage them to sign up by going to www.memyselfandinc.com or www.sherredemao.com.
Learn more about Sherre', Author, BizGrowth Maestro & Founder of BizGrowth Inc.