Dream Wide Awake Blog:
Empowering Your Shift from Daydreaming to Dream Doing
September 7 - Too focused on changing versus progressing?
Sept 7 – Too focused on changing versus progressing? Have you
been so focused on what you are going to change in this past year that it is actually impeding your progress? If you are focused only on what you want to change, then you are missing the golden opportunity in making what is already working get you to even greater heights. If you are focused only on what you feel you need to change about yourself, then you are missing the chance to evolve and grow in ways you couldn't imagine. A focus on change has a way of making you feel less than, whereas a focus on
growth and progress opens up a world of opportunities to explore and seize. How you proceed is key to how you progress. How you progress is key to how effectively you achieve. Take an MM&I moment to ... READ MORE including: Yours in dreaming WIDE awake,
Featured Client: LCZ Consulting
Client Lori Capozza Zeind, founder of LCZ Consulting is an insurance strategist who brings unbiased expertise and honest insights while exploring the best alternatives and options for your business and personal insurance needs. An Insights Library and her blog, Zinsurance, helps keep you informed for added peace of mind with know-how that can be trusted.
BizGrowth Inc. is now a Supporting Corporate Partner of the National Association of Business Owners (NAWBO Charlotte). Sherre' has a long history with NAWBO including being a winner of the chapter's Woman Business Owner of the Year (1997), past chapter president (1999/2000), and co-chairing a national task force on procurement and co-authoring a white paper in 2006 that influenced the SBA's declaration of 88 underrepresented categories in business for women-owned enterprises.
CONGRATULATIONS, RENEE BREAZEALE!: After wowing everyone during her guest radio appearance when Sherre’ was co-hosting WSIC’s Local Biz Now, Renee Breazeale of Victory in Time will be the featured co-host with client, Joe Vagnone, the entire month of January in 2023. She will be a wealth of inspiration, insights, and wisdom all month long!
EARN YOUR CPE CREDITS WITH CPA CROSSINGS: Sherre' is an expert providing courses through Executive Education, Inc. and CPA Crossings for continuing education credits to CPAs and CFOs across the country. "Confessions of a Mompreneur: Leadership Lessons Learned", Offered 9/12, CLICK HERE to learn more. You can take the webinar, "Accountability Advantage: Empowering Performance", Offered 9/14, CLICK
HERE to learn more. "Are You the Leader You Think You Are?", Offered 9/15, CLICK HERE to learn more. "Networking that Works for Long-term Success", Offered 9/19, CLICK HERE to learn more. "Do You Know What Time is Costing You?", Offered 9/16, CLICK HERE to learn more. "Dream Wide Awake: Overcoming What Limits You", Offered
9/21, CLICK HERE to learn more.
WE ARE BIZGROWTH INC.: For over 38 years, we have been dedicated to helping entrepreneurial enterprises grow and business owners prosper. To learn more about all we do to help entrepreneurial companies build preference, value and worth, go to www.bizgrowthinc.com.
DREAM WIDE AWAKE BLOG: You can always catch the main message from Sherre's weekly Wide Awake Wednesday inspirations on her Dream Wide Awake blog which is posted each Wednesday morning, in case you miss the email.
Check out Sherre's blog page by CLICKING HERE!
DID YOU ENJOY AND FIND VALUE IN TODAY'S INSPIRATION? Feel free to forward this week's Dream Wide Awake message to others and encourage them to sign up by going to www.memyselfandinc.com or www.sherredemao.com.
Learn more about Sherre', Author, BizGrowth Maestro & Founder of BizGrowth Inc.